League Play:
You can curl in the league(s) or draw(s) for which you signed up and paid your membership


You can spare in any draw for which you are eligible. 

Practice Ice:

Practice ice sheets are sometimes available throughout the week.  Check the club website under league schedules for open sheets. Then check with the League Rep for availability.


Curling instruction put on throughout the curling season.

Membership in the OCA (Ontario Curling Association)

Out-of-club Bonspiels and OCA Competitions:

You are entitled to enter any bonspiel or competition you choose in our club or any other club or association provided you comply with the rules of entry. Information on bonspiels and competitions can be found on club bulletin boards and/or on the website.

Social Events and Club Spiels:

You can participate in all club social events and Club Spiels for which you are eligible for the nominal fee charged for those specific events. Eligibility is usually posted with the event sign up. These are really fun events and give you an opportunity to get to know members who may not curl in your league. We encourage participation in these events and in some events, welcome the participation of your friends who are not members Events are confirmed as soon as adequate ticket sales and/or registration numbers have been achieved. Check the bulletin boards regularly as new events are posted throughout the season.

All members are encouraged to support the club by volunteering.  Port Perry Curling Club is run by the generosity and dedication of its volunteers.  There are many areas where your expertise is welcomed. Board members can be contacted at any time to inform you of any volunteer opportunities that you might enjoy. Their contact numbers are available on the club’s Website and in the club telephone directory, which will be available a few weeks after registration.  Information is also available at registration and on the club bulletin boards. We are able to maintain our low membership fees based on the assumption that each and every member will volunteer at least once throughout the year. 

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Have a question?


Port Perry Curling

483 Bay Street
Port Perry, Ontario
L9L 1M7

phone: 905.985.7972
email: [email protected]

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Interested in Curling?

Are you new to the sport of curling? Want to give it a try? Interested in becoming a member of the Port Perry Curling Club? We're always looking to welcome new members to our club. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!

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