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Welcome! We are pleased that you'd like to register as a new member of the Port Perry Curling Club. Please complete the following information and press "signup". Our website administrator will get you set up in the system and send a confirmation email so you can access the members area to complete your online registration. Please note: This section is ONLY for brand new members of the PPCC. If you were an active club member in the past, please contact us to help you get logged-in.
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Port Perry Curling

483 Bay Street
Port Perry, Ontario
L9L 1M7

phone: 905.985.7972
email: [email protected]

Privacy Policy
| Refund Policy

Interested in Curling?

Are you new to the sport of curling? Want to give it a try? Interested in becoming a member of the Port Perry Curling Club? We're always looking to welcome new members to our club. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!

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